First-Year Writing
The Rutgers Writing Centers’ First-Year Writing Spotlight initiative highlights outstanding reflective essays written for College Writing, the University’s first-year writing course. Essays are developed in response to the first project of the course, which asks students to read as writers - to demonstrate an understanding of the form and rhetorical strategies of an assigned text - then apply these strategies toward their own personal reflection.
Fall 2024
Annalies Eindhoven • Ryan Falkin • Andrena Nguyen • Vishva Trivedi • Vasistha Vummiti
Maya Anand
Matt Azer
Dustin D. Fraser
Grace A. Friel
Akshat Gupta
Nathan He
Katherine Heidt
Riya Khandelwal
Aden Kushnir
Megan Lam
Melanie Lamos
Aidan Lazas
Xiao (Jerry) Ling
Naveed Loskor
Olivia Mdeway
Andrena Nguyen
Phoebe Nguyen
Alexandra Nozhenko
Jacob Pereira
Nader Salhoul
Mughda Sarvasiddhi
Vedh Shetty
Hari Priya Tumuluri
Symphony L. Watford
Joie A. Woon
Katy Zeng
Christina Zhang
My First Girlfriend
I couldn't help but admire her. I admired her with my eyes and through my camera lens. And when I captured her in a photo, I admired her in that, too.
Why Editing?
I didn’t feel comfortable staying at a level of comfort, of ease, in my editing; I wanted to step higher, to open a new door, each time. I craved the asymptotic chase to mastery.
Why Music?
The Musical Language and its dialects, whatever that may mean, facilitated friendships and partnerships outside of music and opened my opportunities to a wider variety of people that I otherwise would not have met.
Following the Prayer
I take a deep breath and begin: “Om Bhur Buvah Suvaha.” My mind sharpens, and I focus on the surroundings. What can I smell, hear, see, feel?
Why Swimming?
Every stroke is a step toward improvement, every practice a chance to become stronger, faster.
Why Nicknames?
Why must we simplify others? Does ease have priority over individual choice regarding identity?
The Destructive Nature of Evolution
We lose ourselves in the ecstasy of superiority, forgetting that our victories may be fleeting, should we not consider the preservation of ourselves and our descendants.
The Operation Room
The strong Hispanic values that I grew up around helped me choose what I knew was meant for me.
Why Rutgers?
Rutgers is no longer just a place I ended up—it’s becoming the place where I’m starting to grow into the person I want to be.
Respect, Dignity, and the Pursuit of Human Rights
Human rights are simply to live a long life and to be treated with worth. This is the bare minimum that society should grant. However, no matter how far this evil world progresses, it turns 1000 steps back.
Are They People or Animals?
To an observer, it would seem that human nature is to develop a sadistic approach when given power over others stripped of their freedom. To develop a system predicated around this environment is to not only allow but encourage humanity’s self-destruction.
Breaking Through a Mirror Maze
In high school, walking down the halls and meeting new people with my anxiety felt like I was walking through a maze of mirrors, where every face that reflected was a blurred version of my own.
A Rose and Rebellion
In her world, Clara is royalty. She is expected to follow the societal path laid out for young women of their class […] But Clara is completely indifferent to these expectations.

Past Nominees
- Feb 26, 2024 Why Spanish?
- Feb 26, 2024 Why Christianity?
- Feb 26, 2024 Why Pharmacy?
- Feb 19, 2024 Why Stay?
- Feb 19, 2024 Why Not Arabic?
- Feb 19, 2024 Why Paper Books?
- Sep 28, 2023 Why Poetry?
- Sep 28, 2023 Why Oluwatomisin?
- Sep 27, 2023 Why Immigration Law?
- May 14, 2024 Why Medicine?
- Apr 22, 2024 Why Tattoos?
- Apr 17, 2024 Enigma of Butterflies
- Apr 17, 2024 Why Church?
The past flows seamlessly into the present, regardless of any dam myself or humanity itself may construct.